Saturday, August 22, 2015


Hmmm, first and foremost as expected the seminar was a wow…The speakers were wows and everybody was just enjoying every bit of it...

It was very educative and informative, below are some excerpts from it.

1. Getting acres of lands can be very easy, the Nigerian River basin project is in every state, you can get land for real in any state for agriculture just apply to the ministry of agriculture in that state and specify in your application river basin project...1st speaker

2. We have to stop complaining about the government and start finding ways to leverage on the government and her resources…1st Speaker

3. The corn/maize market is very huge it will interest you to know that about sixty big trucks of corn hIt ketu market everyday…Now why can’t you invest here. 1st Speaker

4. Nobody in Nigeria is in the production of Sweet corn, but we do need sweet in our meal and having corn in abundance why do WE have to import sweet corn and keep impoverishing the nation. 1st Speaker

5. Cassava production can never go down if one can venture into it especially in the area of selling it stems it is even more preferably than the tubers. 1st Speaker

6. The egg market is also very lucrative in fact there is a company that specializes in the production of eggs, its produces and sells at least seven hundred and fifty thousand eggs daily and more demands are still queuing. 1st Speaker

7. To addressing the constraints in Agricultural business there is an organization helping to tackle that in west African, that organization is known as International Institute Of Tropical Agriculture(IITA). 2nd  Speaker

8. Youth unemployment in Nigeria is a time bomb…2nd Speaker

9. IITA will not only train you in agriculture do or don’ts but will also develop your entrepreneurship skills as long as agribusiness is concerned and finally will also link you to those at which you can do agriculture and be making it big…2nd Speaker

10.Afflatoxin is the name of the virus that is responsible for the Nigeria groundnut discrimination and banned by the international market, but as things are right now IITA has produces a counter toxin to combat afflatoxin this toxin reduces…2nd Speaker

Afflatoxin causes cancer,death and other harmful things…

98% of afflatoxin in groundnut and 89% in maize making these product almost free of international mitigation

11. Even the past president Goodluck Jonathan endorsed the cassava flour bread…this a ready business for you to tap into…2nd Speaker

12. The Europeans which criticized us a decade ago is now saying African is rising...As the giant of African lets rise to our task in agriculture too…2nd Speaker

13. Nigeria is blessed with cassava also the market for it is large…You can venture into it too…2nd Speaker

14. Simbo Adeeko the third speaker, one of the best law student graduate of UNILAG 2007, Resigned her law carreer fully to get engaged in agricultural business…3rd Speaker

15. She said agricultural business is solving a global phenomenon especially in terms of food production... 3rd Speaker

16. Just like every other business don’t go into agriculture without a deep conviction within you cos it has its own challenges as well, which can be easily and patiently managed... 3rd Speaker

17. She working on about twenty five acres of land…3rd Speaker

18. Don’t kill yourself start small and then scale up from there…3rd Speaker

19. One of the best ways to get into agribusiness is by playing it the value added way. Turn the raw material into a finished product the profitability for you will hit the sky, that’s what the Europe do, they take our raw material turn it into a finished product and sell back to us pocketing hundreds of millions…5th Speaker

20. Don’t succumb to the quick money scheme play the slow and steady like President Buhari and you will see yourself winning gradually…Quick money as it’s called goes out quick it never stays in time…5th Speaker..

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