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Isaac And Nneka Moses |
“After a while, I decided to do something that I would be in control of and that was how Goge Africa was birthed. When I told Nneka, my wife, she said, ‘Why don’t you do it on television’? And I was of the opinion that television was expensive. I couldn’t afford the kind of money involved; so I said, ‘Let’s do radio’. But she said I should do it on television so that she could costume me because she was into fashion then.
“ I agreed and said we should do the show together because we would have those who would want to watch the show because of her and those who would want to watch the show because of me.
“Gradually and reluctantly, she agreed to co-present and that was it. We started going after footage in 1998 and precisely on the 1st of October 1999, we went on air”.
How They Sort Things Out When Ideas Clash
Isaac says, “For me, it is about being objective. If we both come up with an idea and she could give me a good reason why her’s should stay, I am objective enough to let mine go backstage especially when we have a common goal.
“I believe any idea she comes up with is to move the show forward. It doesn’t have to always be my idea. If she comes up with a better idea, like Shakespeare said, ‘Good reason must give way to better reason’. If you are smart enough, you can tell a better idea than yours, if only you would admit it”.
Making Sure The Home Front Does Not Suffer
Nneka says, “For me my home front is in the office and also at home. Home front basically is taking care of the house and our son. And because he doesn’t work differently from where I work, he understands when we are working late and we make due. And once we get home, I have to cook and do some house stuff. So, I am busy at home as well as in the office - its double work and also double enjoyment because I do enjoy cooking.
“My husband relaxes more when we are home. While I am in the kitchen, he is watching television or reading but these days, he doesn’t rest that much because he is either playing with our son or assisting him to do his homework”.
Is Office Work Taken Home?
Nneka says, “Yes. Because we work together, when we are at home, sometimes in the morning or at night, we discuss our ideas. Most of our ideas that really move the business are conceived at home. And when we get to the office, we discuss with our management team and then we take decisions. So, for us, working together has made things easier for us”.
What Of Unresolved Domestic Issues At Home That Are Dragged To The Office, How Do You Stop Them From Affecting Work Flow?
Isaac says, “There is hardly ever any unresolved issue. When you offend someone and you know you are wrong, you simply know that when you apologize, it would end there. But when you refuse to admit, that is when it drags”.
Nneka adds, “Couples shouldn’t allow issues to drag. We have been married for 16 years and we never had an issue that we allowed to drag. We resolve it immediately and it ends there. We don’t talk about it again outside that door [points to the front door of their residence]. And I think it has more to do with our personalities. Keeping malice hinders progress. I like to be exceptionally happy so I don’t allow anything that would prevent that happiness. We trash it there and we move on”.
Isaac continues, “We have a joint account that we are both signatories to and it is not joint signatory because either of us can sign and get money. That means, if I am not around, she can run the office and if she’s also not around, I can also run the office. It’s a matter of discipline. I just don’t go withdrawing money anyhow just because I have access to it; neither does she. If either of us needs money, we discuss it.
“Really, life can be really easy and less complicated and the bulk of the responsibilities lie on we [men] because the bulk of the complications come from us. I have friends who would ask me, ‘Why should your wife know of all your earnings’? If your wife doesn’t know your earning, then you are hiding something. The fact that my funds are open to my wife doesn’t make her spend it anyhow. More so, a woman would not request for money she knows does not exist.
“When a man does not carry his wife along and something happens, the woman also suffers for your misjudgment and the children would also suffer. If you carry her along and there’s a hitch, she can’t blame you because she knows she was part of the idea. And you might be surprised: if you carry her along, she might even come up with a better idea to make sure that your hard earned money doesn’t go to waste. So, be open-minded and be objective”.
Relations As Members Of Staff - How To Deal With Sentiments And Favouritism
Isaac says, “My sister has been working with me for more than 12 years and she is in charge of our commercials. She is married and has children. The only time I can say I favour her is, if she has to take one of her kids to the clinic for checkup or close early because there is no one at home with them”.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Couples Working Together
Isaac says, “Firstly, the interests of the family are protected. Also, she is not going to take decisions that will jeopardize the business. And then you don’t have to explain too much; she knows what comes in”.
Nneka adds, “All I see are the advantages. I have enjoyed everything that concerns working with my husband. In my encounter with some women, I come to realize that I have peace of mind compared to lots of women because we are always together. At every point in time, I know where he is and what he is doing. If most women have that assurance, it would give them a peace of mind that would perhaps prolong their life and make them happier”.
Isaac adds, “I find it strange when you ask someone where his or her spouse is and the person replies, ‘I don’t know’. I can tell you exactly where my wife is at any point in time and she can also tell where I am”.
What Of Getting Tired Of Seeing Each Other’s Faces?
Isaac says, “I don’t know of other people but I don’t get tired of seeing my wife. I actually consider myself lucky to be working with my wife because it is not common. Some couples might not be able to work together because of the kind of person one party is. Men are usually bossy and their wives opinion doesn’t count. Women are actually smart unless you are not smart to know that you have a smart wife. And that is a high level of dumbness on the part of the man”.
Advice For Couples Intending To Run Businesses Together
Nneka says, “Firstly, I would say, it is a very good idea if it would work for you. I do not have the recipe but I would talk to the woman. Do not feel because your husband is placing such responsibility on you, then you are bigger than you are or equal to him. By our cultural inclination, she is still a woman under her husband. As a woman, we are the physically weaker sex but not necessarily the mentally weaker sex. So, don’t talk down on your husband either at home or outside the home. If you treat your husband like a king, he would treat you like a queen. Men are very egocentric so you must treat your husband with respect”.
Isaac says, “Sometimes when I watch Nollywood films and I see them portraying Nigerian women as being cantankerous, I think it is a biased representation of the Nigerian woman because an average Nigerian woman has so much respect for her husband.
“Where we have that problem is with the elite class that are so educated and have this social status, so, they don’t see themselves cooking for the husband. And they leave everything to the housemaid”.
Ensuring That The Business Outlives Them
Nneka says, “If you look around, most of the people working for us are in their twenties. They started out as trainees and they became permanent employees and they would in turn train other people. So, what we have in place now is, we don’t have to be around for things to work.
“For our employees, you can see their enthusiasm. The people working for us are people that actually love what they do. Some come to work here intending to use us to get visa and run away but because they initially come as trainees, they fall by the wayside.
“Goge Africa now has a lot of segments and these people come with ideas because we have general meetings in which even the cleaner is involved. The cleaner is our audience also because he watches television. So, it is a good thing to have your audience in your meeting. We get feedback”.
Yemi And Ronke Adeyemo; Co-Founders, House Of Treasure Comics, Publishers Of Children’s Comics And Story Books
How They Started House Of Treasure Comics
Ronke says, “He [Yemi] taught Literature in secondary schools and God’s grace came upon him. I say God’s grace because he was not a writing person but now he writes endlessly. Now, he could write continuously for days”.
Yemi says, “I taught literature for 11 years and later felt I needed to do something different. So, I moved over to a publishing house where I was Comic Editor and that was where I learnt the nitty gritty of publishing. After a while, I pulled out and started House of Treasure Comics.
“Even though it was very rough at the beginning, one thing kept me going; I had my wife’s support. When I wanted to start, I didn’t just start, I told my wife and she agreed with me. And when it became difficult to feed the family because I pulled out from my former place of work and had no salary coming in, she never reacted negatively because that would have discouraged me. I cherish my family a lot and wouldn’t want them to suffer because of a dream.
So if she had discouraged me with attitude or nagging, I would have just gone to pick up another job. But she supported me all the way. She was selling from shop to shop. And she is a very good marketer compared to me. And it is what she brought home that we would use to eat. She has been supportive all the way. She is equivalent to 20 workers and I wouldn’t trade her for anything. All glory to God for where we are today and where he is still taking us to.
“I’ll say we started together because we both agreed to the business but she joined me six months after I started. We also have the God factor because I never had passion for writing. Back then, when marking the literature sheets of my students and I read some beautiful articles, I laughed at myself because I knew I couldn’t write what they were writing. But suddenly, the interest of writing came. And every time I want to get discouraged, God has sent angels in human form to encourage me; of which one of them is my wife”.
What They Do When Ideas Clash
Ronke says, “We disagree sometimes but because we know we have a common goal of growing the business, we are quick to resolve the issue. Even when our ideas clash, he would always want to hear me out on why I feel it should be done this way and not that way. And one thing about him is that, he wouldn’t even go ahead until he has gotten my consent. I think he understands the fact that we both gave birth to this business and cannot afford to let ego hinder the progress of the business”.
Yemi says, “I appreciate loyalty and my wife has been loyal and supportive. There is no business deal I would discuss with you that I would not carry my wife along; or haven’t discussed with her already. If I know you are the kind of person that would call me a woman wrapper, I would just tell the person ‘I will get back to you’; but the truth is, I want to go and discuss it with my wife.
“I don’t make decisions concerning the business or even our family without my wife’s input because if it fails, we would both suffer and if it prospers, we would both reap the benefits”.
Ronke adds, “If you are able to discover your role in a relationship - not necessarily husband and wife relationship - it would help both parties.
For example, when we want to write about a particular character - like when we wrote about Chief Obafemi Awolowo - for those families we meet for permission, we usually get their consent. And I know my husband does not like going out so I know I would have to do that. So, I took it upon myself to go and see [Obafemi] Awolowo’s wife in Ikenne, Ogun State. I know that is what I can do and that is what I am good at because I cannot write. So, if everyone knows their role, it helps. So, we have been able to manage our strengths and weaknesses”.
Ensuring That The Home Front Does Not Suffer
Ronke says, “Now, we have people working for us but when we were doing everything ourselves, I used to do the outings while he would do the school runs. If I am tired, he enjoys cooking and he cooks well. He would do all that I am supposed to do. We complement each other where necessary.
“If I go out, we communicate; so if I can’t be home early to pick the kids from school, he uses another car to go pick them up. And he can bring them to the office if there is no one at home; and we all go home when we close from work or I meet them at home. At every point in time, there is always someone with the kids”.
What About Unresolved Issues At Home That May Affect Work If Carried Over To The Office, How Do You Deal With Such?
Yemi says, “The fact that we work together makes us resolve issues quicker. If there is an issue at home and we need to discuss something about our business, we just have to communicate. So, we resolve issues immediately”.
Ronke says, “We also resolve issues quickly because we know we don’t have too many options. We know we must make a success of the business. And as for me, I see it as an assignment because God specifically told me to join him in the business. So, sometimes, when he offends me and the thought comes for me to pull out of the business, I remember it is an assignment and I am quick to put the issue behind me.
“Moreover, I see the business as the future of our children and also my future. So, it must just be successful. If I say I won’t talk to him, I would suddenly remember a business deal that needs to be discussed. Working together in our business has brought us closer and has really helped our marriage”.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Couples Working Together
Ronke says, “Like I said, it has brought us closer. We can talk about business in the middle of the night. And it enables us to make decisions faster. You don’t have to wait till the following morning to discuss with your business partner. We discuss the idea immediately it comes, while it is still fresh”.
Advice For Couples Intending To Run A Business Together
Yemi says, “They must have the God factor - be it Christianity or Islam. Sometimes, when I am writing and I have ‘writers block’, all I need to do is just pray and I am back to flow. God’s factor comes in different ways. It might bring more ideas, better concepts and more favour everywhere one goes.
“Secondly, always carry your spouse along. Even if she is not working for you, carry her along. Let her be your confidant. I didn’t know my wife and I would work together but I confided in her when I wanted to start the business because I needed her support. Also, be open and transparent with everything, especially the finances. When a woman knows whatever we make is for us, she would do everything possible to make you succeed.
“Be consistent. When we started the business, a publishing company approached us that they would be giving us their books to sell and we would be making good money. I really loved the idea but when I discussed with my wife, she said no. That the big company I am seeing also started like us back then, that we should focus on our business. So, be consistent no matter the challenges.
“And lastly, delay gratification. Don’t be in a hurry to spend from the business. What the business cannot afford, don’t buy it. Don’t buy things because you want to show off to people”.
Ensuring That The Business Outlives them
Ronke says, “I have been able to develop myself. I have been to several business schools and even Lagos Business School. Our children know everything about our business. We carry them along very well. Interestingly, some of them are already showing interest in drawing and some in writing.
“They are the first to read our books. When my husband finishes writing a particular book, he gives it to them to edit. And you would hear one of them say, ‘Daddy you didn’t draw this balloon well’, ‘You didn’t illustrate this well’. And because he is writing for children, we can use their comments as feedback. They are actually our first audience.
“We are working on some things that would further help the business. We are working on having a French translation of our books because we do not want to limit our books to African readers alone. When you celebrate good people, people that impacted their generation, what you are doing is that you are replicating such a lifestyle in the lives of children. If you celebrate armed robbers, you are replicating such lives”.
Mrs. Victoria Komolafe, Director, Victoryland Private Schools. (She Also Spoke On Behalf Of Her Husband)
About The School
Komolafe says, “Though, school business is thriving now, it needs to be done in the right way and left in the right hands. Victoryland Private School aptly encapsulates what we do - to be the child's companion in the very important formative years of laying a solid and valuable foundation for a great future.
The school, however, came into existence in 2005 and got approval from the Ogun State Ministry of Education in 2010, having satisfied the mandatory requirements of sound curriculum, healthy environment, quality teaching and supportive staff, general organisation and administration structures, among others”.
How The Business Was Started
Komolafe says, “Even before he joined the school business, he had always been at my side and very supportive, in the sense that, while I was working as the head mistress at a school, my husband called and encouraged me to start mine, instead of being under someone. So, after his idea, I committed everything to God and we started. Anytime he discovers innovative ideas as regards the school structure, he doesn't hesitate to drop them”.
Why They Decided To Run The Business Together
Komolafe says, “As I have earlier said, he has been there for me and his ideas have been very useful for the school's growth, despite the fact that he is still practicing as an engineer. For instance, the idea to start the school in the first place came from him.
Though, I am a born and trained teacher; I have climbed the educational ladder from primary to secondary, to grade II, to NCE and finally to the level of obtaining my degree in Education from the University of Ado-Ekiti, with my area of specialization in Fine Art, which I still practice now; I can't just do away with my husband's irresistible and indispensable turn-around ideas”.
How Issues Are Sorted Out When Necessary
Komolafe says, “As a result of my pool of experience as a practicing teacher, I’ve had more experience in the line of education than my husband, but whenever he brings any idea, which might not be too good or beneficial to the business, I always make sure I sit him down, and make him understand and give him reason(s) - in love and humility - why the idea can't be used. I have not, because I have more experience in the field, felt too big to consult my husband, I have been submissive”.
Ensuring That The Home Front Does Not Suffer
Komolafe says, “Though I am the woman here and the fore-runner, and others out there may not know much about the two of us running the school, we are really doing the running together. So, I have no problem with the home front, in the sense that I create enough time for my family.
The school starts by 8am and closes by 4pm; so after the closing hour, I make sure I face the home front for real. I don't say I am the one championing the course - I make sure good food is on the table and that my children are catered for”.
Challenges Faced By Couples In Business
Komolafe says, “Yes, I won't call it problems or difficulties and I am not regretting being the proprietress of this school because God has been helping us. Like I have earlier said, at times, there may be contradicting ideas from each other and if not well and maturely handled, it can lead to grudges that may crumble the business. There may also be strange contributions or forces from family members and other third parties - to be candid, all these have surfaced in our business - but we have been able to withstand them.
“One of the challenges faced is: there are different kinds of students, likewise teachers with different backgrounds and you need to be patient and manage them with care - behaviours are different.
“We as well have unnecessary school fee indebtedness by some parents - even while owing you, they would be ready to fight you. My husband, at times will have to decree that no owing student should come to school, meanwhile, I do allow and pardon some at my own discretion”.
Relations As Members Of Staff – How To Ensure That Sentiments And Favouritism Are Dealt With
Komolafe says, “Yes, at times there are sentiments from family members because they just see the business on the tracks of success and they want to know which of the spouses owns the business for them to claim their ‘right’. It might be that the wife is the person spare-heading the business; the husband’s family might begin to raise eyebrows or become jealous.
Though, we don't have family members as employees here, but family members have tried showing up in one way or the other; we have really managed this. We don't allow anybody - family members or third party to intervene in our affairs -‘What the husband owns, the wife also owns it and vise versa’"
What About Unresolved Domestic Issues That Can Affect Workflow?
Komolafe says, “To me, this is a very sensitive issue and I have been very meticulous about it. Yes, if unresolved issues are not well managed and get into the business, concentration might be lost, marking the start of the fall of any business run by a couple. As I have earlier said, I always humbly make my husband see reasons with my inability to agree on some ideas, even as I am trained and passionate about school management. So, he eventually sees reasons for my decisions and the business goes on...
“If I may talk, I will mainly take a look at unresolved issues pertaining to money or finance - it seldom surfaces, but when it comes, I make sure nothing is hidden from my husband about our incomes. Students’ payment of school fees must be made clear to him - even if he doesn't know all, I make sure it reflects in my own little contribution to the home front expenses”.
Advantages Of Couples Doing Business Together
Komolafe says, “There are lots of advantages in running a business together. It is in unity and oneness that we run the business; the children are watching this gesture and they are looking forward to having such home and joint business. Honestly, it has helped me a lot, as people around rate me as unique because of the outstanding moves they witness. You won't be the only one cracking that your brain - we work hand-in-hand”.
Advice To Couples Wanting To Jointly Do Business
Komolafe says, “Well, from my experience, it is a good idea for couples who understand themselves. Though, people don't want to agree with having joint business or finance, we rub hands together to make it clean. I will say your spouses' ideas are needed and useful, as most especially, women can't do it alone. So, I am telling couples out there to work hand-in-hand, to be united, not allowing third party intrusion....”
Ensuring That The Business Outlives Them
Komolafe says, “Our children have been fully incorporated into the running of the school business. Thank God for the children I'm blessed with and from what I have imparted in them, I know they can perform, even better than me. One of them was telling me that she wants to become a proprietress”.
Mr. And Mrs. Arthur Chukwuma, Producers Of The Television Program - Hosanna Hour
Brief About Them And Their Business
Mrs. Chukwuma says, “We are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chukwuma; we produce a TV program called Hosanna Hour which has been on for 10 years now. We have a 24 hour TV program that runs on My TV, that is called Hosanna Broadcast Network. We also have Atleon Motors and Atleon Properties. Atleon is a group of companies that houses all these businesses I have mentioned.
“In 2003, my husband, Mr. Arthur Chukwuma, went to pray and The Lord spoke to him about starting a TV program which we now know as Hosanna Hour. But we didn’t start until 2004. We started together, but he was still working with Channels Television, so I was more like the person doing the program then.
He would just come to check on me in the studio everyday to see how far we have gone for that day, after his work and we will go home together.
“ I was working with Voice of Nigeria where I met my husband and we got married. So all our lives we have lived as people in the media. We have always worked together and I have never done any other job aside working in the media.
“So when my husband got the vision to start Hosanna Hour, we came together to start it, but he was distracted by his job with Channels TV, but I had resigned from VON. So I did the job in the day as a producer, then in the evening when he returns we will look at all I have done together, if there is a need for any adjustment we will do it. Along the line, he resigned from his job and today this is where we are”.
“Mr. Chukwuma says, “It was a big challenge working with Channels TV and still coming after work to meet my wife in the office to vet whatever she has done. Don’t forget, I was the one that had the vision and I knew I had to bend to make it happen.
I had commitment at my place of work and it was not going to be easy to just tell my boss that I wasn’t interested in his job anymore.
And because there was a structure in place, it was easy for either myself or my wife or even anybody that comes into the system to know what to do per time, and as a trained broadcaster and also in line with what I was then doing at Channels, I knew I had to vet every program that was going to be aired to make sure the customer gets value for money”.
Ensuring That Domestic Issues Do Not Affect The Business
Mrs. Chukwuma says, “The major thing that usually brings up issues at home and anywhere is lack of understanding and lack of trust. When people lack understanding and trust for each other working together becomes an issue of concern. He is the head of the family and I am a helpmate. What do we do at home? We pay bills, feed the family and the rest, that is not so much a big deal to run where there is understanding and trust.
“So even at the office the same thing goes, he is my boss, my MD in the office and I give him his respect as my MD, but the secret is that we work together as two different people in agreement, understanding and trusting each other. Anywhere in the world if these key elements are in play you can achieve anything as a team.
“In the office he is in charge of operations - what program goes on air, the time schedule and anything that has to do with studio while I’m in charge of administration. I do marketing, managing staff and customers and so on. We have our boundaries and we know it; so there is no clashing point”.
Mr. Chukwuma says, “We have been married for 21years and we have worked together for 10 years. We have known ourselves for 22 years since the days of VON”.
How They Manage Clashes Of Ideas
Mrs. Chukwuma says, “One major fact that cannot be overruled in marriage is that there is a head, and if you are the wife you should always have this understanding that he is the head. If he says, let’s go to Oshodi, in Lagos State, and I feel Iyana Ipaja area of Lagos State is better, I have to present it in a way that he will be able to understand my point of view, and if he says no, we are going to Oshodi, I don’t have to argue.
“If he was my MD and not my husband as it were, I don’t have to argue but submit to his authority even if I know that it is not the way. We don’t bring darling, honey, etc., to the office”.
Mr. Chukwuma says, “I call her Mrs. Chukwuma in the office and when we get home we continue with all that, darling and honey stuff; we make it very formal in the office”.
Mrs. Chukwuma adds, “Some clients walk into our office without knowing that he is my husband until after a while, because if he has to talk to me while in office he calls me Mrs. Chukwuma and I respond the same way, so it is not so difficult because if he was not my husband but my MD, I will never argue with his opinion, I take instructions and follow orders and will always allow him make the decisions, but I can always suggest what I think is right in any case.
“When we are in the office, I am very sure our staff will think we don’t fight, I am not saying that we are saints but we have our bedroom all to ourselves, if there is need to argue sometimes, or disagree, we do that in the bedroom maturely but we do not allow that to get to the office.
If there is something that I need to get right I know the best place to meet my husband/MD to iron it out. I don’t have to asking him questions or talk about issues that would have been best discussed in the bedroom in the office; you need maturity to do that.
“Because we have a common goal, it is very difficult to frequently have clashes of ideas, so apart from the fact that he is my MD, I watch out to protect him also as my husband. So, we do the best for each other because we know each other’s weaknesses better, being both husband and wife and also as MD and colleague - I assist him. We know where our strengths lie and we take advantage of our strengths and we protect our weaknesses.
“Again I don’t feel disadvantaged like other women do, because if a woman feels disadvantaged she can start sabotaging things, I don’t do that”.
Having Relations As Members Of Staff - How To Deal With Sentiments And Favouritism
Mrs. Chukwuma says, “We have had family members come and go but if you work with us as a family member, you will notice that my husband is a workaholic, doing 12-14 hours a day. If as a family member you can’t keep that pace, it will be kind of difficult, because he will push you and other staff who are not members of the family. And that is discipline because he is working hard and he wants you to do same. I don’t resume too early but I work till 8-9pm daily.
“Before our son went for his university studies, he worked with us for some period and he went to learn animation. He stayed awake most nights learning the tutorials for the animation. Today, he is the best animator that we have. When he is on long vacation, he comes around and still does our animation. Most of the animation you see on Hosanna Network, he does them.
“Again we are also introducing another son to learn editing during this long vacation; no sentiments at all. From studies around the globe, family businesses do very well when the nuclear and immediate family members have an idea about the business and are interested in contributing their quota to the success of the business, because they will have to manage some sensitive area of the business.
“People ask us in the industry, ‘How are you doing it’? They must put in as many hours as we do and take the job as seriously as we do. We look at every detail on the program aired in Hosanna Network: this is because we are conscious of the fact that every pastor or an individual who brings their money to us to air their program, wants us to give them our best and so we try our very best to give them our best.
“I spoke to one of the pastors we work for, and by 3am the next day I just woke up and I saw his message on my phone, so there and then I replied his message. When it was daybreak, he called to ask if I don’t sleep. It is not as if I don’t sleep; I have learnt from my husband/MD that I must treat every job as they come so I don’t leave a backlog of undone jobs. At the same time we treat every client of ours as equally important - if you come first your job is done accordingly, except if you ask otherwise”.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Husband And Wife Working Together In Family Business
Mrs. Chukwuma says, “Yeah, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. I’m a Christian I read my Bible and I pray, I know that in the Bible God saw that Adam was lonely and he created Eve to be his helpmate - that is the position of a wife. I tell every woman that talks to me that the mission of a woman is to help her husband. If your wife is working with you and she recognizes her place and takes her responsibility as helpmate, we are going to have fewer problems in society generally.
“She [the wife] is supposed to protect her husband’s back. She knows his failures and strengths, so whatever it is she is supposed to stand by him; the advantage here is you are working with a man if you are the woman or you are working with a woman if you are the man, that loves you and cares for you and is not ready to compete with you. Most successful marriages, if you check very well, God has done a perfect match there, were they can complement each other and not compete with each other.
“Another advantage is that in Nigeria today, you work with people who probably care only about the job they do for you but if you work with your spouse that is not the case. If you have a workforce of about 50 people, maybe only 10 people will have that drive to say ‘In the beginning of the year the MD made this speech and expected that towards the end of the year we would have achieved this, now what are we doing to accomplish this task’?
Your spouse could just be among those 10 people who are really interested in the interest of the company.
“Moving forward in business, I will advice that men begin to think of incorporating their wives into their business if they are interested. Again working with your spouse gives you the opportunity to also be part of decision making in the company - you know your role and you play it like you should”.
Mr. Chukwuma says, “There are more advantages than disadvantages.
One of the disadvantages of working with your spouse is that you must understand that you are dealing with your spouse; so you cannot take some hard decisions that will hurt him or her so much simply because she or he is your spouse.
For instance, you can’t say to your spouse, ‘I terminate your appointment from this minute’. That is a hard thing to do”.
Mrs. Chukwuma adds, “For instance, whenever our son comes back from school to work with us, no matter what he does, we don’t give him query or sack him for what he has done, but we talk to him, telling him that as a family member he has to have interest in the company because this is where he belongs. We scold when we have to”.
Challenges Of Working In The Business Together As Husband And Wife
Mrs. Chukwuma says, “Well I am going to address this as it will affect any business in Nigeria: whether you are a couple or an individual these challenges are there. Your being a couple in business does not remove the fact that there is no power supply and that if you have to run a 24 hour business like ours, you have to line up generators to power your equipment.
“It also does not remove that fact that if you even have to buy diesel to run the generators, some unfaithful worker may buy N20, 000 worth of diesel after collecting N25, 000 from you. That you are a couple doing business does not remove that fact that most Nigerians that we see everyday are not trustworthy.
“I give you an example. If an average American lies to his MD, he will lose his job. But here, even when someone is caught in the very act, you are helpless because all you can do is put that person on suspension and later manage him because of the simple reason that if you ask him to go, what makes you think that the next person you will employ will be better?
“Our culture here is full of deceit and full of corruption; it is very unfortunate that it’s already in the system. Children grow up to see their parents and elderly ones lie, and they too lie consciously because they grew up to know that it is part of the system. So you lie or cheat if you must succeed.
These elements are not good for businesses; business is built on trust and integrity.
“I should be able to tell you that I have a product that I want to sell to you and it costs xxx amount and it will do xxx things for you. When you get that product at the price that I am giving it out, it should actually deliver what it promised, without telling you cock and bull stories later on.
Everywhere you go people want to take advantage of you, whether Christians or unbelievers. You don’t even know who is who anymore, it is that bad. People don’t tell people the truth and in addition to that, our infrastructures are not in place, our telecom services, our internet facilities are not worth writing home about; people just do eye service”.
Ensuring That The Business Outlives Them
Mrs. Chukwuma says, “What we do in the family right now is to see how all our children would have an idea of what is going on here, and like I said earlier, our first son started learning animation while he was 15 years old before he got admission into the university. He does all the animation on Hosanna Broadcast, and I’m telling my 14 year old child now that he is going to learn 3D, which his brother will teach him, so if he is not around, he can do the job.
“Yes they are children, but there are some things you will have to tell them to let them know you are not going to be around forever, so we make them understand what goes on in the business especially when they get to the age of 14 and upwards; we carry them along now because they are the future. There are things that you won’t be able to do in the next 20, 30 years, but they will be able to do it so.
“This is the best time for us to teach them, expose them early so that you can catch their attention, because if you can’t get their attention early enough, by the time they have gone out to experience what the outside world has to offer or even they find another passion they have to follow, it will be too late to bring them in; and also, if you bring them in early enough to learn and know what you are doing today, tomorrow when we are old or tired of learning, they can help us through both in business and in life”.
Final Word/Advice
Mr. Chukwuma says, “Working with your spouse requires a lot of wisdom. Know that you complement each other, gather the strength from each other and exploit it; respect each other’s opinions. People have asked me several times, how we are doing it; that we are getting results working together. And I keep wondering how they are not doing it to get results, because for us it is very easy. It boils down to love and understanding”.
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