Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Building A Business Around Your Passion

I’ve seen several “ordinary people” who have taken a hobby that they love and transformed it into a viable business venture. When they come to me for advice on starting a business, they often express how they don’t feel satisfied with their current career and are searching for more satisfying work. Though the entrepreneurial desire is there, many lack clarity about what they really want to do.

4 Simple Steps To Turn Something You Love Into A Viable Business
Your Product
Brainstorm all the different ways to create a business around what you love. You have a wealth of knowledge inside of you that you can monetize in several ways. Consider why people come to you for advice. What information do you possess that can be refreshed, repackaged, remodelled, reinvented and rebranded?

Your Promotion Plan
Create a portfolio by putting together samples of your work. If you offer a cleaning service, create a coupon to clean one room free. Don’t be afraid to give away free services or products. Prospects like samples to see if they really want what you’re offering.
Next, secure your business name, get business cards, and start thinking about your website. You will need an online presence to grow quickly.

Your Platform
Who do you see buying your product or service? Write down a full, detailed description of your ideal client. Create a client avatar: give them a name, age and personal style. Consider what they read, where they go, who they spend time with, and what they value. Then go make friends with your ideal customer. Network with people daily and let them know what you’re doing. You can do this easily with online social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram.

Proven Process
Most dreams fall short between what to do and how to do them. That’s why getting help from a coach can provide you with the business wisdom and blueprint you need to succeed. These proven processes not only save you a lot of time, money and frustration, they also help build your confidence to keep going.

5 Qualities You Need For Startup Success
There are a few skills you need to have, or need to cultivate, in order to succeed as an 21st century entrepreneur.
Here they are, in no particular order:

Determination: You have to cultivate a mindset of ruthless determination. When you do, you’ll not only succeed in business, but you’ll also dramatically improve your life. You’ll bump into a lot of problems, and you’ll want to give up, but those that succeed keep going, and they don’t let anything hold them back.

Delegation: You have to learn to delegate what you’re not good at. Design and technical stuff frustrates me, so I pay someone to take care of them. It doesn’t have to be expensive if you’re smart. It’s all about finding ways to make things easy for you, so you can focus on your strengths.

Pragmatism: You have to be practical in business. If you’re not getting the results you want, something has to change. Leave your ego at the door. Forget about what might work and learn what does work. Learn from people who get results.

Action: While I think learning is great, there comes a time when it becomes irrelevant. At some point you have to stop buying courses and reading more books. You have to apply what you’ve learned to get real results. You have to constantly ask yourself what you can DO with what you’ve GOT.

Focus: This is YOUR business. You’re not here to play around. You’re here to create value and sell that value to the right people. Learn what tasks bring in revenue, make customers happy and make your life better, then perfect those.
Work with these ideas and you are on your way to building a successful business around your passion.


Take Action Now!

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