Tuesday, July 15, 2014

How To Make Money From Youtube Videos You Didnt Even Create

Making Money From YouTube

 This article is all about making money from Youtube.com the largest video sharing website, fully owned by Google.

When it comes to online business there are things you should look out for. What are these things to look out for?

Back then article marketing was one of the best ways to get traffic to your site and make some money from your affiliate or personal product, but when Google came up with their update, the big giants in the article directory industry were swept off their feet; the likes of Ezinearticle, Goarticle, Article dashboard were nowhere to be found again.

One of the important things about this online business is that you must update yourself with the current trend so that you don’t keep doing things the old way; not getting the right result.

Today I will be sharing with you some of the ways you can make money with simple videos - and anyone can do it. You may not even need to produce the videos yourself.

You can make money with Youtube in 2 ways:

No1, Through Youtube Partner Program

No2. Selling your own products or affiliate products through Youtube.

Let me start with the first one, which Is Youtube Partner Program
The YouTube Partner program was created in 2007. Joining this program is super easy and once it is set up it doesn't require any extra effort on your part.

Joining the YouTube Partner Program
This is a simple step-by-step procedure for starting on the YouTube income ladder:

First Step
Open a YouTube Account.
If you aren't sure how to do that, just open up your internet browser and type in or copy "how to open a YouTube account".

Click on one of the links that opens up and then follow the directions.

Once you have completed your details and created a gmail account (for receiving and sending emails) you will be directed to your own YouTube Channel.

Second Step
Upload a video to your new YouTube account.
The video does not have to be of a high technical quality.

Uploading a video that you have recorded on your phone, your camera or even on your webcam is good enough.
The most important thing is that your video is interesting, amusing or informative so that people will want to watch it.

You also need to make sure you own all the necessary commercial rights to the visual and audio elements of the video.
The main problem occurs when someone includes a pop song in their video, for instance and that pop song is copyrighted. Or there could be a song playing on the radio or TV when a video is being recorded, for instance. Just make sure that you are not recording anything that is copyrighted and you will be alright.

And, if you prefer, YouTube has a wide collection of music that is free to use and it is a simple thing for you to change the soundtrack on your video once it is uploaded and before it is published and made public.

Obviously, if your video includes someone talking you won't want to change the soundtrack. But if a music background is part of your recording, then you can easily use YouTube's selection.

Third Step
Publish your video.
When you upload your video to YouTube the default setting is to make it "public". This means that the general public will be able to watch it.

If you prefer, you could change that public setting to Private or Unlisted, but since you want people to watch your video so that they can click on your advert, you will prefer to leave it at the default public setting.

And finally you can take the:

Fourth Step
Join the YouTube Partner's Program.

In order to join the program you need to have at least one video approved for monetization, and so, providing your video is acceptable then everything should proceed easily.

Simply go into the Channel Settings on your YouTube Channel, open the Monetization section and apply for the Partner's Program.

Finally, to make sure that you are the one who receives the money from the "clicks" on your video, you need to open up your own Google AdSense Account.

To do this, simply copy and paste or type the following into your web browser "how to open a Google AdSense Account", follow the links that come up and get your own AdSense Account.

After that, enjoy your video making and start to record and upload your videos as often as you want to.

Your videos will be there on the internet, for people to watch and click on the adverts, and bit by bit, your income will start to build up.

And so if you are still wondering how to make money on YouTube videos, just follow the procedure listed above and start to enjoy yourself while building an income.

Selling Affiliate Products Or Your Own Products Through Youtube

Using Youtube is one of the easiest ways to get traffic to your affiliate or own products.
Video is the big thing on the internet at the moment. 50% percent of all internet traffic is video traffic and 12% of all traffic goes to YouTube.

This makes video one of the most powerful mediums you can use to increase your sales.

How To Own And Sell Hot In Demand Videos Without Creating Them

How To Own And Make Money From Hot In Demand Videos Without Creating Them
This is obviously the sweetest part of making money from Youtube videos. How would you like to own hundreds of Youtube videos making money for you without you slaving to produce them? Sounds interesting right?
Here is how it is possible.

Use Google Planner (which you will find when you sign up with Google Adwords) to research hot topics people are searching for online, especially things that they are looking for solutions for. You can get ideas about some of these topics by visiting amazon.com and dummies.com to view lists of their book titles. The titles will give you ideas of what people are interested in.

Then take the title ideas you have selected to youtube.com and search if there are many videos addressing them. If there are not many videos on a title topic it means if you have a video on it, you stand the chance of having lots of people viewing it.

The next step is to produce the video. Don’t worry about producing the video yourself, just head straight to fiverr.com to look for people to do it for you very cheaply.
At fiverr.com, you can find people with proven records of delivery doing up to 200 videos for just $5. Yes, with just $5, which is below N1,000, you can get 200 videos done for you.

All that is needed is for you to provide them the script to use for the video. And of course you can easily get the script from researching the topic and writing out the points to use.
For instance, if the video is about how to treat acne, you can research the Internet and get say 10 ways of treating acne, written in your own words, which forms your script.

However, make sure you don’t copy these ten ways straight from some websites. That is illegal and could get you banned from the program.
When you hand over the script to the person that is to produce the video, they will produce power point video with a suitable background sound.
You can then go ahead to upload the videos to youtube and start generating income with it.

Note that the success of this amazing source of income, which is still very much unexploited online is your ability to find out what kind of information people are looking for, and then pick out those that don’t have much videos done for them.

Once you achieve this, you are on your way to raking in great income monthly. Imagine having 200 – 1,000 videos on topics thousands of people are looking for information about. That could amounts to tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of viewers per month, which could amount to hundreds or thousands of dollars monthly.

How To Upload Video To Your Youtube  Account
Step1 You need to register with youtube for free.  

Step2  After registering login to your youtube account  and click on upload at the top of the page.

Step3  Browse the video you want to upload and it will start uploading.

Step 4 After uploading the next thing is for you to start promoting the video.

Tags are describing words for you video, you need to select good tags so that you get your video found on search engines.
Google has a free keyword planner that can help you find the most popular and targeted keywords.

Once you have uploaded, titled and tagged your video it’ll be available on YouTube for people to find.
If people search YouTube for your one of your tags your video will appear in the search results.
The other benefit of YouTube is the Google loves video. If you search in Google you will usually see search results that point to a video on YouTube.

Video marketing has a lot of potential if you can start applying what I just shared above.

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