Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Another Testimony From A Renown Nigeria Internet Marketer:Living A Fulfilled Life With Internet and Information Marketing Business

Henry Omenogor

If you have been reading SuccessDigest Extra! for sometime, the person of Henry Omenogor wouldn't need any introduction to you. Almost in every edition of the paper that is published, his advertisements usually appear.

The consistency with which he advertises his Internet and information marketing business can only be, without doubt, a reflection of how solid his business is in the nation's fledgling information marketing industry.

As an established business owner, who had the courage to pursue his dream of owning his business from the information and guidance of SuccessDigest, and whose business is now not only providing him comfortable means of livelihood, but also impacting the lives of hundreds of Nigerians across the country positively, Henry Omenogor is deserving to grace our hall of Fame this week.

Henry's exposure to the Internet came several years ago when he was working for Simba, a computer marketing company representing Comet Technology UK in Nigeria. One of his duties was to be sending emails to Nigerian computer companies, informing them of their offers and directing them to their website to get more details of products and thus place order.

This was email marketing, and Henry was amazed to see how effective it was for their sales.

By the time Henry made contact with SuccessDigest and began to Iearn about making money on the Internet, he was convinced Internet and information marketing business held immense opportunity for him to make profit, and he was determined to go into it. From working at Simba, he was able to identify a lucrative niche he could tap into:

'Once I discovered the beauty of the Internet with my experience at Simba, I reasoned that if a company can have a website with office in UK and market 'their products globally, then there is the likelihood that Nigerian companies will like to have websites too.

Then I started researching on how to become a web developer. While at Simba, I learnt how to use FrontPage to design websites and later, I resigned to start my Web design and hosting business as well as a computer training service,” he explained.

Leaving his comfortable job to start a website design and hosting business, an uncharted terrain he had not much experience about was a big risk, but it was a decision strongly propelled by his total belief that it would succeed.

With this mindset, Henry was determined never to give up; he was bent on putting in all he could do to ensure the success of his business. However, two years into the business, the worst happened.

“Two years after I started my business, it collapsed. I sold all my properties, including my car and started from scratch again. I could not pay my office and house rents, as well as other bills,” Henry recalled.

Although down, he was certainly not out; his positive mental attitude was still intact.

“But I have a belief system that there is a purpose why God created me, that I have potentials; that God has created everything I need to bring that purpose to reality. All I need to do is to study and watch those who are doing it and make them my mentor.

I also reasoned that if Dr. Ojeagbase can do it, all I need is to think like him. Each time I had a challenge; I would sit down and ask myself a question; If my mentors Dr. Ojeagbase, Ayo Arowolo, David Oyedepo, Joel Comm and Brian Sheer were to be faced with this challenge, how would they tackle it? I would then apply positive thinking and get out of it.

Picking up himself from the shackles of bankruptcy, Henry gradually developed and built his website design and hosting business. To get clients, he would identify companies who didn’t have websites and send emails to them, letting them know why it was necessary for them to have one.

Not long after, he started receiving good orders for his service, which eventually confirmed his initial belief that the business was going to be lucrative.

From website design and hosting service, Henry added information marketing business. “Information marketing has been one of my best sources of income locally and globally. I still sell information that I created since 2006 till date.

I sell my information in the form of printed books, videos that I shoot on how to solve problems, ebooks for download, seminars and consulting. I sell secrets!

In addition to those sources of income, Henry also makes money on the internet through blogging. From a number of blogs where he promotes affiliate products, a sizeable pile of cash finds its way into his bank account yearly.

Yet another source of online income to Henry is domain monetization. According to him, 'I make money from what I call virtual real estate. I started selling domain when I registered for $8 and sold it for $419 to a company in France.

I had to make more research and discovered that I can sell higher as well as make money daily from parking. I cannot sell a domain for less than $1,200 now.”

With that assurance, Henry Omenogor's success on the Internet is without question.

Having set up his online business to run automatically and generate passive income without his physical presence, Henry could diversify into other businesses. Presently, he has added certain brick and mortar businesses including printing and publishing, rentals: customized printing service, and business educational services to his portfolio of businesses.

To document his experience and knowledge of his business for other people to learn and benefit from, Henry Omenogor, a trained Industrial Mathematician turned Internet and information marketer, has  written and self published several books, including titles such as: Internet Report Riches - How to Make $3K Monthly Creating and Selling Information Products Locally and Globally; Deep Secrets of Domain Business - How to Register Domain Name for $8 and Sell it Above $1,200 in no time; Affiliate Report Riches - How to Make Money from Amazon Associate, ClickBank and 2Checkout Using Payoneer Mastercard and Graphcard.

Surely, with the success his businesses have attained over the years, Henry, who sits as the CEO of Menog Computers, Oh My Website, Menog Prints and Publishing, and Wisemen Rentals, has no need whatsoever to regret his decision to resign from paid employment and build his business some years back.

In fact, he is grateful to God for directing his path to discovering Internet and information marketing business and Success Digest.

"The Impact of SuccessDigest on my life has been unquantifiable. In going through the road to wealth, you need those who have been there. That is what SuccessDigest has as impact on me and others. Dr. Ojeagbase's Carbon Copy Principles has helped me and a lot of other Nigerians. Imagine, I received a mail from a lady in Zimbabwe who wanted my product based on an SD she read over there in Zimbabwe, which her husband took to that country,” remarked Henry in appreciation of SuccessDigest’s contribution to his business success.

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