Thursday, July 17, 2014

Revealed!!! How You Can Now Cash The Money You Earn From Fiverr In Nigeria

Step-by-step guide

When in 2010 SuccessDigest published the money-making opportunity on Fiverr, many Nigerians were just hearing that name (Fiverr) for the first time.             

Fast-forward to 2012, and it is surprising that only a handful of young Nigerians are still on Fiverr. On a closer examination, we found out that there are two major reasons responsible for the low number of Nigerians on Fiverr.

The first reason is that most people still don’t understand what Fiverr really is, and how to earn money on the platform.

The second reason is that even among those few who understand how to make money on Fiverr, many have problems with withdrawing their earnings from Fiverr, as Fiverr earnings are paid into your Paypal account. And as we all know, Paypal is not Nigeria - friendly at all.

This article is written to address these two challenges that are preventing Nigerians from making stress-free money consistently on After going through this piece, any Nigerian with a computer and an internet connection at home should be able to register on, earn some money and withdraw the money with an ATM card right here in Nigeria. Yes, withdraw the money with your ATM card!

So let’s get started, by explaining what Fiverr really is, and how to earn money on it…

What is Fiverr?

Fiverr ( is a website where people who are skilled in their own way can generate income. This means that anybody can be a part of the ever growing body of individuals who are making money with Fiverr, including you. Yes you!

How Does One Earn Money On Fiverr?
The main concept is that you are to sell your services at Fiverr, and people who are interested in your services (services being offered are termed ‘gigs’) will eventually hire you, and you will be paid $5 (Five US Dollars) for each gig that you provide.

How To Get Started With Earning Money On Fiverr

 Getting started on Fiverr is as simple as ABC. All you need to have is your computer and internet connection. Then follow these simple steps to start right away.

 Step 1: Open your browser and visit  When the Fiverr website opens, click on the ‘Join’ tab at the top right hand corner of the Fiverr home page; doing this will take you to the registration page.

Step 2: Fill the registration form with your details, e.g. email and password, and click on submit. Thereafter, Fiverr will send you an email for confirmation.

Step 3:  Log into your email, and open the email that Fiverr sent to you. You will see an activation link in the email; click on this activation link to confirm your registration.  Clicking on this activation link means that you have successfully registered on Fiverr. 

After registration what next?
Good question! Now that you have registered an account on Fiverr, the next thing to do, is to list out things you’re skilled at and are willing to offer as service on Fiverr for $5?
It is at this stage that some people start getting lost. But before you get lost too, let’s bail you out.

The truth about Fiverr is that you can offer to do just about anything for $5. At first look, getting paid $5 for your services might seem unfair, but once you start attracting multiple clients who are interested in your gigs, then your earnings are sure to explode.
Now, as for gigs, you can create different gigs which you think are “sellable”. You need not worry about the kind of gig you can sell, simply because you can sell just about anything.

Below are some of the hot and fast-selling services you can offer for $5 on Fiverr:
Article Writing, Advertising, Banner Design, PLR Products, Blog Creation, Backlinking, Music And Audio Production, Tips And Advice , Social Marketing, Solo Ads, Video Creation, Graphic Design, Programming, Search Engine Submission, Video Testimonies, and lots more…

As you can see, there are many gig categories in which you can make your own gigs. From the outrageous to the most romantic; and from funny ideas to the most interesting gigs, you can surely have your own and sell it for $5.

Consequently, for you to make money with Fiverr, you can consider these step by step ideas to make your gigs popular and sellable.

Step 1 – Identifying Your Skills
Remember that your skills are your investment in creating and selling a gig at Fiverr. This is the reason why you need to identify your strengths and your skills. This means that you have to know your best abilities in making just about anything.

You don’t need to be a graduate in college or in any university here. All you have to do, is to bring out your best skills and make a gig. For example:
• If you have a good voice, offer a song, using your skills in singing
• If you are an expert in drawing and painting, offer your skills in drawing; using pencils, water color, paint brush, etc
• If you are an expert in video making, offer videos that will benefit customers, or make videos for them
• If you are an expert in computer graphics, offer graphics designing for web pages
These are just some examples of services you can offer, depending on your abilities; furthermore, you can surely use your abilities to earn more than $5 at Fiverr.
Always remember to focus on your strengths in creating your gigs; and that your brands quality can be identified once you have started implementing.

Be unique: create your own unique gigs at Fiverr, and people who are interested in your “Fiverr masterpieces” will greatly reward you.

Moreover, you have to make sure that the gigs you have created should also be implemented within a ‘customer friendly’ time frame. This is to provide you and the client a better relationship.

In case you don’t know when to start creating your gigs, you can visit, and search for relevant ideas which you can use as your reference in creating your own gigs. However, you have to make sure that your gigs are unique in a way that you don’t have any competition over at Fiverr.

Step 2 – How to Post a Gig
Remember that in posting your gigs, you can start by using the phrase “I will”. Some examples of the gigs that you can create and post over at Fiverr are:
 “I will write and sing a romantic love letter for your girlfriend/boyfriend and post it on your Facebook account for $5.”

 “I will pray for you online and you’ll be healed for $5.”

“I will write notes, quotes, and even love letters for you in 6 different languages for $5.”

 “I will compose any type of song for you, and send it over to YouTube for $5.”

 “I will make a birthday cake for your pet dog from dog food for $5.”

 “I will predict your future using my Feng Shui expertise for $5.”

Remember that prior to posting your gigs, you have to create your very own gig. This means that you have to be creative in a way that online visitors will be interested in what you offer them.

Another excellent point you have to remember here, is to link to your website (if you have one). If you do this, customers can directly go over to your website, and that may add to your marketing power.

Besides this, you also need to have an excellent portfolio. This is an important factor customers would consider, since it will determine your expertise at Fiverr, and portray your gigs in a professional way.

Step 3 – Upgrading Your Gig

Always remember that with Fiverr, you can also upgrade your gigs to make more money. The best thing Fiverr has provided as at this moment is the opportunity for you to make more money, by upgrading your gig business. How?

Fiverr introduces Fiverr Levels. This is an offer ingeniously mastered by the owner and administrators of Fiverr, in which you have to level up to access the different tools that will aid you in making more money…and this is at your disposal.

Fiverr levels are broken down into:

1st level sellers – Gig sellers who have created 10 orders can access the first level of tools provided by Fiverr. Excellent track ratings provided by the seller is a must to gain this level, besides the orders.

2nd level sellers – Once gig sellers gain at least, 50 orders (with excellent track ratings), added tool features can be accessed to easily level up their money making endeavors.

3rd level sellers – This is the top level in which you can be considered a “Fiverr Rockstarr”. However, you can attain this level, once Fiverr moderators chose you. Consequently, your best performance and ratings are evaluated here, and this is their basis in choosing you as a “Fiverr Rockstarr”.

The excellent benefit you can achieve in this level is to access more tools in making money; you could even get VIP support.

Keep in mind that this is just another way you can upgrade your money making endeavors at Fiverr.

Another good way for you to upgrade and make more money besides Fiverr Levels is for you to create multiple gigs. However, you should also know that you can only post up to 25 gigs. 

Well, this is just fair, since you also want to leave some space for others, especially for newbies.

Additionally, to further upgrade your gig deals, you have to provide a clearer representation of your gigs. For instance, if your gigs are about videos, all you have to do is to create high resolution videos for your customers. Also, if you are into writing, you have to provide higher standards in your content, to satisfy your customers. By upgrading your gigs, you have a better chance of earning more money on Fiverr.

Once you have provided a gig to your customers, you can offer them added features to your offered gigs. For example, if your offered gig is about writing eBooks, all you have to do is to offer them added features about the eBook, such as the second part of the eBook topic. With this, you can add $5 more into your pocket.

Step 4 - Provide Good Customer Service

One of the most important aspects you have to implement every time you offer your gigs is to provide excellent customer service. This is a must if you want to gain more customers, and to gain their trust as well.

Always remember that in having transactions with your customers, you should always be polite and be honest. In this way, you will have better relationships with them; you will end up getting excellent feedback from them. Endorsements of your service will be posted on your Fiverr profile, and you will gain credibility.

Now to add more “reputation points” on your part, you may also want to ask for testimonials from your customers. Remember that you can only ask permission with regards to testimonials once you have good rapport with them.

You also need to be polite enough in asking your customers for testimonials, since it is “in their hands” to provide testimonials that will be enticing to other customers who are interested in your sellable gigs.

Step 5 – Rinse and Repeat

After you have created your gig and made a lot of money with it, you can still implement the “rinse and repeat” method. This means that you can create another gig, or resell your gig over at Fiverr, and earn more money.

However, with regards to creating another gig, you have to think of effective ways of how you can enhance your skills.

It is an excellent idea that you also “think out of the box” and make a gig that is unique from your previous gigs. In this way customers will be thrilled with your new offers to them, and they will eventually get more from your offered services.

Fiverr offers each individual - who has unique abilities in creating a gig - opportunities to earn a hefty amount of money. The $5 worth of income you can get from Fiverr will be multiplied exponentially, once you have the skills for creating more gigs; and this is the benefit you get once you join this money making website.

Once you have provided an excellent work to your buyer, you can still gain added reputation and income, if you offer upgrades with regards to your finished gigs with them. Just ensure that you have provided excellent customer service to undoubtedly satisfy your Fiverr customers.

Withdrawing Your Earnings From Fiverr
So, now that you really understand how Fiverr works, let’s quickly address the other challenge that is preventing Nigerians from earning money from it, which is: withdrawing their earnings from Fiverr.

Before now, Fiverr earnings were only paid through Paypal. Unfortunately, withdrawing money from Paypal account is like a ‘mission impossible’ for many Nigerians. But, with the recent introduction of Fiverr Mastercard, courtesy of Payoneer, you no longer need Paypal in order to withdraw your money from Fiverr.

 All you need to do to withdraw your earnings from Fiverr is to request for your own Fiverr Mastercard. When your Fiverr account gets to level 2, the card will be shipped to your Nigerian address, with your name boldly written on it.

 With this Fiverr Mastercard, you can easily withdraw your Fiverr earnings from any ATM that accepts Mastercard anywhere in the world. As it is now, you no longer have any excuse for not making money on Fiverr.

 Still not sure if Nigerians are making stress-free money on Fiverr? We spoke to some young Nigerians (most of them undergraduates) making lots of money on Fiverr. Below is what they had to share on their experiences on Fiverr. Read and learn….

Olaide Alim, 26 year old undergraduate of the University of Ibadan

I heard about Fiverr in 2010, in an article written by Ronald Nzimora in SuccessDigest. I didn’t really take it seriously until I read a series of eBooks on the same topic.

I got a lot of ideas from Warrior Forum, Blackhatword, digital point forum, and so on. Since then, Fiverr has been one of my surest sources of income.

My challenges as a beginner
At the beginning of my Fiverr journey, I could not earn a dime for over 3 weeks. I became confused. Then I went on, and searched for proof of people who were making money from I wanted to be sure that people were indeed making money from Fiverr.

I saw a lot of video testimonials of people logging into their Fiverr accounts with a lot of money inside. I watched the videos, and I became convinced that people were indeed making real money on Fiverr. I re-strategized, added more gigs to my account; and by the second day, orders started coming in. I have since earned over $7,000 from

 I will like to seize this opportunity to thank the Publisher of SuccessDigest, Dr Sunny Obazu-Ojeagbase, and the editorial team for the wonderful job they’re doing on this business newspaper.

 SD has helped me in so many ways. I got to know how to create multiple streams of income through this amazing business newspaper. I have quite a number of businesses I’m doing that are bringing money to me on a daily basis. 

I am currently in my final year in the University of Ibadan, and I don’t even plan to work for anybody after my graduation, because SuccessDigest has shown me what I can do to create multiple streams of income that will cater for all that I need.
I see SD creating many (entrepreneurs), and young millionaires, just like is happening in the USA. With what SD is publishing, serious minded Nigerians can now earn more than bank chief executives, by working on their own.

Oluwaseun Ogundele,  20 year old undergraduate of Afe Babalola University, 

 The first time I heard about Fiverr was year 2010, on Warrior Forum. I saw a lot of international internet marketers talking about how they make money easily from it. So I decided to give it a try. I set-up an account with, and in less than 12 hours I started making money from Fiverr.

My challenges as a newbie
The only challenge I had was with the payment method which is Paypal, but because I’m an experienced internet marketer, I was able to withdraw my money from Fiverr with Paypal. Another challenge is that if you want to make real money on Fiverr, not just $5 or $30 but $500 to $1,000 monthly, you have to be online everyday to fulfill your orders.

Nowadays, I make an average of $1,000 monthly on Fiverr. The reason why it is so small is that, I don’t have time for Fiverr again, due to my giant projects in academics and in business.

I am what I am today at my tender age as a result of reading SuccessDigest. I would like to seize this opportunity to advice newcomers to stop searching for the latest way to make money online, and instead stick to a proven online business model that has made other people successful.

Adetunji Gbolagade, 27 year old final year student of University of Ibadan

I heard about Fiverr for the first time ever, around 2010. I read about it in an article published in SuccessDigest. It was the first time ever that SuccessDigest published anything on Fiverr, because Fiverr was very new then.

My challenges as a newbie
Being creative is the key to Fiverr success. I had many services I was able to render on Fiverr with ease, although they aren’t worth just $5. They included:
-Opening of Adsense account
-Opening of CPA lead account
-Website designing

The major challenge I had then, was how to withdraw my earnings, since Fiverr only used Paypal.

 My account Bestgigever, made me exactly $3,280 before it was blocked. Gigoftheyear made me $2,800. Backlink_seo_8 made me around $3,600. I think in all my Fiverr escapades, I have made well over $10,000. In all honesty, I have made a bit above N2,000,000 from 

Fiverr since I started it about 2 years ago.

SuccessDigest animated my dream of being self- employed. I consumed SuccessDigest like ice cream. I wonder if I would’ve been who I am today if I had not encountered SuccessDigest. This couldn’t have been possible if I had not stumbled on the SD edition in which Fiverr was discussed.

Irrespective of your education, background, color, etc., as far as you have your pc and internet connection, you can earn as much as you want from by just following the simple steps we have laid out for you above. Wishing you success!

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